

I am Hannah Campbell, and I am the voice behind the words in this blog.

I am a 22-year old journalist who loves to travel.  I am currently residing in home sweet home, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, after a short stint living in Buenos Aires.  In a few months, I will be leaving with the Peace Corps to Lesotho, Africa (and my cooking adventures from there should be quite interesting...).

My favorite foods include alfredo pasta, bananas, chile rellenos (actually, almost anything that pertains to the "Mexican food" category), and homemade ice cream.  Anything that comes out of my mother's kitchen is absolutely unbeatable.  Many people say that, but really, trust me on this one.

I love to eat.  And I love to write.  So I figured what better way to combine my two favorite things than writing a food blog?  It may not be one of my most original ideas, but as long as I'm full, I'm happy!

I hope you come to enjoy the art of cooking as much as I have.  If you have any questions or comments (or good recipes you'd like to share), please send me an email at hcampbel (at) rams (dot) colostate (dot) edu.