Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Made from scratch

I am so proud of myself.

Somehow, by some sort of cosmic magic, I managed to make homemade ice cream last night.  Without an ice cream maker.  And here's the kicker: it was absolutely delicious.  In fact, we've almost eaten the entire bowel, and it's only been 18 hours.

After searching the internet for a trustworthy recipe until my eyes were bloodshot, I found one here to make the ice cream custard base, and here to actually make / freeze the ice cream.  You can add any sort of ingredients you want; I chose dulce de leche (obviously) and chocolate chip sprinkles.

The recipe for the custard base is intimidating at first, especially if you don't have a cooking thermometer.  My celsius-programmed oven / stove is always on the fritz, and I never know how anything will turn out once it goes into the infierno.  But, this recipe was surprisingly fool-proof.  Oven: 0, Hannah: 1.  My advice to you on the ice cream: do it! do it! do it!

Besides eating dulce de leche on everything, I've been wandering around on my own in the city lately and pondering the meaning of life and the price of tea in China. 

The Argentine has a big exam this week and has been studying relentlessly for days, so I've been left alone to bake.  And think.  And think.  And walk around.  And bake. 

In fact, I'm attempting homemade pizza tonight for dinner.  Pizza Napolitana to be more specific, which is basically a mozarella pizza with tomato slices, green olives, and a few hearty shakes of oregano.

More on that tomorrow...

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